So as our season is coming to an end here are some numbers as compiled by Scott and Mark.  We have 3 Modified and single Sprint and NASCAR events left for the season.  We have had a good year as far as attendance and competition.  The myth surrounding the lane 2 pill is uncovered for Jim’s piece of mind.  Although he says he always gets #2 actually this season he did get it 4 times, Mark got it 3 times and Cory and Spoons got it twice.  10 drivers got it just once so it was fairly even. 

Also our numbers for driver entries in Modified are up almost 2 per week.  The season average in Modified is now 19.2.  In NASCAR numbers are up by almost 5 drivers per week to a season average of 18.3.  Sprint entries are up about 1 driver for a 14.3 per race average.


The lane two facts are although Jim has picked lane 2 four times in reality his % is much higher because he now waits until that number has been pulled so he really pulled it all most every time he drew this season.  Now if only he could pull the winning 50/50 every week…………………..