Aurora Tub Track

Finding an Aurora Tub Track in a barn and restoring it to running condition. A 6 – lane custom routed Wiz-Track is the track of choice going in this Tub.

photos by Randy Haydt

6-Lane Tri-Oval

Building the 6 – lane tri-oval when Randy’s Raceway was just beginning in 2001.

photos by Randy Haydt

8-Lane Oval

As Randy’s Raceway contiued to expand an 8 – lane oval was built 3 years ago.

photos by Randy Haydt

Mall Show 2009 6-Lane Portable Oval

This is the 6-Lane portable track built for the Mall Show in 2009. The track will also be used for public events,support races at other racing events, and the Berk’s County Oval Series.

photos by Scott Bender

Mall Show 2010 Store

Entering the store at the mall show.

photos by Scott Bender

Young Guns Race 2010 at the Mall Show

The Young Guns from Grandview and Big Diamond race on a smaller scale at Randy’s Raceway.

photos by Scott Bender

Tuesday Night Racing Action Mall Show 2010

Tuesday night starting lineup with 27 drivers in the racing event.

photos by Scott Bender